Personal Caricature Portrait
This is my latest personal caricature of a friend and fellow precious metals collector and dealer who I met on instagram after a purchase of a very rare old poured silver ingot. A real nice guy who also works for UPS. Below is my W. E. Mowrey silver ingot collection which he contributed to. Just a few of a large and ultra rare old poured silver ingot collection. W. W. Mowrey Company was established n 1899 and is still in operation.

I’m still waiting on my back surgery but finally have a date of 9/30/19 so these small quick jobs keep me going until I’m finally able to go full force behind my computer again. It’s hard to believe it has been 4 years since my original injury. Two years now since the last surgery which was a complete failure. Below is what it looked like a years and a half ago. It’s much worse now.

I’m looking forward to getting this mess behind me so I can get back to work on new images as well as getting back to the gym so I can complete my training and get my personal trainer license. Three more weeks and then I start another road to recovery.
I hope you enjoyed. Have a great day!