Space Pirate Logos
As many of you know, I love all forms of art and I always enjoy sharing good art on my blogs as well as social media. I had the pleasure of meeting a very talented young man recently on Instagram who specializes in logo design with Space Pirate Logos. I’ve seen his designs all over instagram spanning many communities and spreading like wildfire, including the precious metals community which I’m very much involved in being a precious metals collector myself.
I noticed on one of his posts that he had his logo design pricing listed so I contacted him to see if it was correct. I was amazed that it was in fact correct and so affordable I could’t resist, so I had him design one for me. I’m super pleased with mine and was so impressed, I had to share his work with you here. Space Pirate Logos is where to get yours. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Below is a little about the artist in his own words and some samplings of his work.

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be an artist. In the early days, a crayon would do but as I aged, I needed more. I went to an art school after high school for graphic design and fine arts. I excelled. I worked as a commissioned fine artist for those first few years after college, painting murals and my own pieces that I would sell. All was well until 2010 when I was diagnosed with retinal melanoma in my right eye. It all came crashing down around me.
After the eye was removed surgically, I found that my lack of depth perception was going to stop me from painting. I couldn’t get my perspective correct anymore. It was devastating. Some told me to continue and just paint what I see but I had a style and I wasn’t ready to change it. So I quit in utter despair…

In those early days of monocular vision I searched for an alternative venue to release my pent up creativity to no avail. Eventually, as all things seem to be today, I turned to my computer for solace. And it helped. I spent my days immersed in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and all those good things. My skillset eventually changed. I was getting decent and an online friend asked me to do a logo for his Instagram account. Well I guess the rest is pretty obvious.

Today, I no longer use Photoshop to create my logos. The entire process I hold under lock and key, but I will tell you the basics. I work on a Samsung tablet and use a series of apps to get the desired effects I’m going for. Sometimes it works, other times I find myself up all night trying to get it right. I’m sure that’s the same for all of us.

So I feel like the future is bright! I’m optimistic that this one-eyed artist still has untapped potential. In the meantime, I’ll be here hammering out social media art. And feeling like everything might be alright after all.

Be sure and check out Space Pirate Logos on Instagram and give him a follow.
Get your logo while the price is right!

I hope you enjoyed. Have a great day!