Pamela Wilson ~ A Compelling Narrative

My work this evening could star in one of those “Fail” videos, so instead of putting you through that misery I’m going to give you something much better. I’m featuring one of my favorite artists this evening, Pamela Wilson. Otherworldly, dreamlike, haunting, dark, and hilarious absurdities are a few of the words used to describe some of the works of this incredible artist. I’m including a short Bio and a few of her works, but you will want to visit her web site to see more of her brilliant artwork and learn more about this amazing and very unique artist.
Pamela Wilson’s works of art transcend the commonplace to enter the realm of the sublime and otherworldly. She develops haunting images that evoke moods and memories inspired by real life, and which create a remarkably compelling narrative. The physical and emotional isolation of her characters has emerged as a hallmark of her work. She has much to say of the dark and hilarious absurdities we must often endure… while we are creating ourselves.
Primarily a figurative painter, Wilson has worked in many other mediums, including photography, printmaking, and assemblage. She received her MFA from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she was awarded a Regents Fellowship, the Abrams Project Grant, and a Regents Award for her Thesis Exhibition. She is currently Mentor Faculty at Laguna College of Art & Design, Laguna, CA, as part of the MFA Program.
Wilson has exhibited consistently since 1992 in galleries in New York, Chicago, Miami, Philadelphia, California, and Santa Fe. She has been included in many museum exhibitions, including the National Museum for Women in the Arts, Washington DC, and a solo exhibition at the Arnot Art Museum, Elmira, NY. Her work is included in many prestigious collections. She is currently represented by Sarah Bain Gallery, Anaheim, CA, and Evoke Contemporary Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.

I hope you enjoyed this brief peek into the life and work of Pamela Wilson. Please take the time to visit her web site where you will find a wonderful Portfolio, Bio, Résumé as well as an excellent feature and interview with the Ramshackle Review.
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!