Vic Gundotra – Top Google Executive Slightly Tweeked
Vivek “Vic” Gundotra is Senior Vice-President of Social Business for Google and was previously a general manager at Microsoft. I had the pleasure of meeting him this week in a Google+ Hangout. He’s a super nice guy and very down to earth. It’s nice to know we have someone at the top of the google ladder who not only cares about us little guys, but takes the time to visit with us in a very personal setting. Vic wasn’t the easiest caricature I’ve done. I did several sketches of him trying to decide which way to go with the exaggeration. He has a nice smile, strong jawline and pretty thick eyebrows, but that’s about all I had to work with. He’s one of those guys you just can’t make too ugly, so I decided to go very subtle which I think works best for him. Besides, he knows where to find me and I didn’t want to offend him. 🙂 Oh and Mr Bean in the background… don’t ask me how he got in there…??? Below is the original source image.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!