The Village Voice Magazine Cover Commission
This is my latest commercial commission which is a cover for The Village Voice Magazine out of New York City featuring Adele and TuneYard. I’m not totally satisfied with the final outcome, but sometimes we have to work with the material we’re given and make the client happy. Anyhow, it is what it is. They were happy so I guess I did my job. It appears that they jacked up the sats quite a bit. Below are the source images I worked with.

Speaking of New York, I will be in New York City for a +HIRL which is a Google+ Hangout In Real Life from February 2nd through February 5th. Come and join me if you are in the area. Be sure to catch Ryan Van Sickle in his LIVE SHOW with Daria Musk and Heather Fay!

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!