Joseph Phillips ~ A Caricature Study of a Good Sport
Today’s post is something I’ve started on Google+ for fun and practice called #SundayDoodle. I will be posting a caricature study or manipulation of some sort that’s just for practice and or fun every Sunday on Google+. This caricature study is of one of my sons from my wife’s previous marriage, hence the last name, Joseph Phillips. I never really cared for those terms, “step child” or “half child”. Joseph has been a really good sport about this and gave his approval to go international with this image. This was a pic from a vacation trip and one of many that bring back some fun memories. I had a lot of fun with this one. I think I’m going to target one of my daughters next. Joseph is all grown up now and has made a fine young man. I’m betting the ladies will be all over him after this post. 🙂 Thanks for being a sport Joseph, and thanks for the “memories”… :/ Inside joke!
Joseph Phillips Source Image

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!