Jesse Smith – Loose Screw Tattoo
Featured Artist – Jessie Smith of “Loose Screw Tattoo”
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As I have mentioned in the past, I am a lover of art of all kinds and mediums. Today I’m featuring one of the most creative and diverse artists I know. Jesse Smith of “LOOSE SCREW TATTOO” is a well-known and well-respected artist internationally and especially in the Tattoo community. Jesse is in my opinion the most innovative, original and talented tattoo artists I have ever seen. His work is so different from what we normally think of when we think tattoo. This is true art in every since and this guy is the best. I would be proud to wear one of his creations and am thinking seriously about making it over there to get one.
I have the pleasure of knowing Jesse personally and the honor of calling him my friend. Jesse is a humble man as you can see by his bio. Jessie is a world-renowned artist and is also one of the nicest people you could hope to meet. This seems to be a refreshing trend among the tattoo community. I’ve never met a nicer bunch of artists and I have had enormous support and acceptance for my own work from this totally open minded, art loving group of people, so I had to include a sampling of the best of the best. Below are some samples of Jesse’s work, his bio, his links, which you will definitely want to visit, a short video of Jesse in action as well as directions to his shop. Be sure to click the images to view full; they’re incredible. The images are large and very detailed so it make take a bit to load, but it’s worth every second.
Take it away Jesse!

Born of fickle nature, Jesse has scoured the corners of the earth in search of something to fill his creative void. From an early age it was rather obvious that he was a little off. A master of many mediums, Jesse was once spotted decorating the wall beside his crib with the contents of his diaper. It was then that his creative adventure would begin.

Jesse has conquered many other mediums, the latest being the tattoo machine. At the age of 21, Jesse stumbled upon a fella’ named Carlos who had just been released from jail. He enjoyed Jesse’s art and soon taught him how to build a ghetto gun. From there Jesse consumed every minute of his life learning as much as he could about the art of tattooing.

While steady crunchin’ along in the tattoo world, Jesse decided to move to Richmond, Virginia to seek a Bachelors Degree in Fine art. In December of 2004 he received his degree and hit the ground running. Since then he has been published in dozens of tattoo magazines and has also won a ton of awards for his brilliant use of color. He still lives in Virginia and tattoos in the back of his own tattoo studio, “Loose Screw Tattoo” located in the heart of Carytown, in Richmond, VA.

Parental Guidance Recommended…sort of…Curious?

Jesse’s Artwork

Click the image below for directions to “LOOSE SCREW TATTOO“
Contact info: Jesse Smith
@ Loose Screw Tattoo
3313A W Cary St.
Richmond, VA 23221
3313A W Cary St.
Richmond, VA 23221
Jesse’s Links:
Jesse Smith facebook Page
Another Jesse Smith facebook Page
Loose Screw Tattoo facebook Page
Follow Them All!
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!